MIddlebury Church of the Brethren

  • Churches
  • Childcare
507 Bristol Ave
Middlebury, IN 46540
(574) 825-2955
Worship: Sun. 9:30am
+ YouTube Livestreaming
Christian Ed.: Sun.11am
Daycare: M-F 4:30am-5:30pm
  • About

    Middlebury Church of the Brethren is an open and affirming congregation offering Christ's hospitality to the word. Our Little Lites Daycare Ministry welcomes infants and children up to 12 yrs old.

Printed courtesy of middleburyinchamber.com – Contact the Middlebury Chamber of Commerce for more information.
201 S. Main Street, Middlebury, IN 46540 – (574) 825-4300 – director@middleburyinchamber.com